June 2023,
From Dinard to Dinard...
the workshop is moving!

Travel wind puts sails! The studio moves from Dinard to Dinard! You had the pleasure of seeing the team of couturières Vent de voyage realize their creations in the workshop located in the shop of Dinard!

This workshop has just moved to Dinard's artisanal area. It allows to gather two creative units, the stock of sails, and a space to unfold, analyze and cut sails. This workshop will accompany the development of the company, always craftsmanship, which manufactures 100% of its creations in its own workshop in Dinard, France.
👜 Want to create a personalized bag? We welcome you when you wish in store in Saint-Malo and Dinard to imagine with you the bag or the decoration object of your dreams!
You have a more specific project? Make an appointment with the seams at the workshop, by calling us in store
🧵Would you like to visit Dinard's workshop? It's possible! We welcome you this summer every Friday not holidays at 10am for a guided tour. Calendar and entries in organic (top of this page).
🧳👜At Dinard's shop, Sandrine continues to welcome you while ensuring the quality control of our creations before offering them to you.
Photo @rentress_martinboudier

#workshop #dinard #travels #bretagne #voilerecyclee #fabriquéenfrance #fabriqueenbretagne #madeinfrance